號筒末次吹響的時候 因號筒要響,死人要復活成為不朽壞的,
Corinthians 15:52 English Standard Version (ESV) 52
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed
是因為「Planet X」之逼近,導致地向天產生放電,
其實,「Planet X」上一次來臨,
從西乃山上傳出吹號聲,無獨有偶,今次「Planet X」即將來臨,
參考埃及百科全書Kolbrin Bible的記載:
2012年,這些事件再次發生於人類歷史當中,印證「Planet X」即將來臨。
People all over the world are claiming to hear strange noises in the sky.
While some of these claims are obvious hoaxes, is there something strange going on?
Strange trumpet sound from sky, Sept. 4 2012
Alberta Canada
最新新聞 2012年九月四日發生於加拿大
Strange Sounds in the Sky Norway September 5 2012
Stay away from large groups and unorganized mobs.
The potential for disaster is much greater in a mobmentality.
Everyone is acting on instinct instead of rational thought.
In the event of a global catastrophe,drinking water may become
very hard to find. I’m going to show you how to make a water filter
at the things which you can find lying around.
Alright. I’m going to show you how to make a water filter for absolutely
free and it’s a good water filter too. I think you will be amazed.
First of all, we have a bottle. I’m using a 1-litre bottle here for
demonstration. But you're gonna use a 2 or 3-litre bottle,
or a plastic milk jug or a big Hi-C container, Something larger.
This is just for demonstration I have. It’s already cut off the bottom.
I cut a little notches in this part so that the lid goes on in here.
OK, I get a rock. OK, I have some small pebbles. I have some medium-sized rocks.
You've got sand. And we've got charcoal that are
already pretty broken up into little BB sized pieces
And I'll tell you how to do that as I'm demonstrating the filter.
So first thing we're gonna do, is we're going to, Pick that up off the filler.
And take this. Take a rock and put that down there like that
as the blocker to keep everything from falling through.
We're gonna take our middle-sized rocks here. And we're gonna put
a bunch of this medium-sized rocks and then like that.
OK? Then the next thing we're gonna do, We’re going to take
a bunch of our pebble-sized rocks. We’re going to put them down, as such.
You know there's a couple that'll drop out,
but what will happen is that will eventually totally stop.
OK. So now we have that like that. What we’re gonna do,
we are going to take our charcoal and we are gonna put that down in there like that.
OK. Tap it down a little bit. Push it down in there until it’s nice and tight.
Nice and packed in there.
Then we’re gonna want to take just one of these smaller rocks.
Just put a thin layer on top of here, like that. This is where your sand comes in.
Sand always goes from the top. Put your sand in there, as such.
You want to leave a little space on top of here for pouring your water into.
Now, like I said, you’re gonna want to use a 2 or 3-litre bottle to do this
because you’ll be able to filter more water and get the water much cleaner.
This is just a quick demonstration to show you how well these filters work.
So we have the rock, some medium-sized rocks, small little pebbles,
layer of charcoal, a little layer ofsmaller rocks and then sand on the top of that,
as you can see here. And that’s basically the construction ofthe water filter. Right there.
OK.Now for the cool part of the demonstration.
I have already run a glass of water through here to rinse the dust of the charcoal.
There’s always gonna be dust on it. You’re gonna want to run a glass to it
if you’re using a 2 or 3-litre bottle. You’re gonna want to run
a couple of glasses of water to, until you see the water come out clear.
Then you’ll know you’ve rinsed all the carbon dust out of there.
But anyway, you can see this water. Very nasty, stagnant,
floaters on the top. Pretty nasty stuff. You wouldn’t drink that in a million years.
But once you put it through here, it’s going to be a lot better.